Answering my own post here. The follow up posts solved it. I added the address="" to the connector tag and yes, all is well.

Pete Helgren
Value Added Software, Inc

On 1/27/2011 11:01 AM, Pete Helgren wrote:
8080 is listed as:

TCP    [::]:8080              NEWAS400:0             LISTENING

The blank IP address is interesting.

Normally, at other customer sites, all I have had to do was to install Tomcat, drop my war into webapps and it just worked (it is a pretty vanilla deployment). When you say to set the "" address in the connector, is that in the host section? This is my entry (using the server-minimal.xml as the template)

<Host name="" appBase="webapps"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
       xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">


Pete Helgren
Value Added Software, Inc

On 1/27/2011 10:26 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 27/01/2011 17:23, Pete Helgren wrote:
I can't quite figure out what the issue is here but perhaps someone who
is running Tomcat 5.5 on Windows server 2008 can weigh in.  I have
installed Tomcat 5.5 on a Windows Server 2008 64 bit OS.  Everything
seemed to install correctly.  I was able to bring up the site on
localhost:8080 and on ServerName:8080 but, curiously, couldn't bring it
up on the IP Address of the server itself

I didn't think much of it and told the customer that they should be able
to access the site with either the internal IP or the internal DNS name
(the site in an Intranet site).  Turns out that the site CANNOT be
accessed from anywhere BUT the server itself.  The firewall is NOT
running and IIS is running.  Tomcat is not running behind IIS.

Shouldn't I be able to access Tomcat running on the server from anywhere
on the internal network?  The tech I have been working with swears that
there is no firewall running anywhere.  This is a new installation.  I
have had no issues on Windows 2003 so I suspect this is unique to 2008
but for all my searching of the Internet, I haven't found a solution.
Anyone seen this before?   I *suspect* that IIS is somehow controlling
all http traffic, regardless of port but I can't seem to find any hard
evidence of this.

Suggestions?  I am at a loss.

Find out what processes are listening on what addresses&  ports.

It might be an ipv4/ipv6 issues. If it is, try setting the address to
"" in the connector.


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