Hello all, hope all of you are having a good day..

I have downloaded and configured Tomcat 7. All appears to be working.

I have deployed a war file that currently works with WebSphere 7 and WebLogic 

The first issue I had was with url-pattern. It appears that Tomcat requires 
they start with a slash (/). I made the change and I no longer receive any 
errors while starting Tomcat.

The following image shows the startup window and that my war is being deployed. 
Within the webapps directory a directory containing my webapp is created.


My initial servlet is called InitServlet and it is marked as load-on-startup 
(please see following image) .


During startup of my servlet I generate log files and these logs files should 
appear in C:\Downloads\tomcat-7\apache-tomcat-7.0.6\webapps\allMATCHWeb\logs on 
my local disk. After Tomcat is started I am able to access the manager and 
admin applications. Also within my web.xml I have a welcome file setup (see 
image below)


I have two questions

1)      If I type http://localhost:7080/allMATCHWeb in to a browser shouldn't 
see this login.html page? I don't... however I can access it by  

2)      The load-on-start InitServlet class is not being executed as I have no 
logs generated or any other startup items handled, any ideas?

I have reviewed the Tomcat logs and have not found any errors or warning 
messages indicating any issue with class loading, security access, etc.

Thanks in advance for any help/assistance you may be able to provide.

Bob Jenkin

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