
I sent it today but I'm not sure it was sent, so I'm sending again (and
that's the last time :)).

I work in a company which we use Tomcat (5.5.26 , and recently we've
upgraded it to 6.0.29) to run our application.

The tomcat is running on servers with OS windows 2008 R2 STD.

The problem is-

Until now, we used SQL Authentication for the tomcat service and
configuration (user and password for tomcat to access the DB was provided
within the xml configuration file, under c:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\conf\catalina\localhost), but - since we changed
configuration to use SSO - Windows Authentication (the user that runs tomcat
is now a domain user with permissions on the DB + removed user and password
from xml configuration file), we observed a trend of memory leak, where it
comes to attention by the process of tomcat, which is increasing on a daily

Do you know why is it happening?

What can I do to stop the memory leak (other than switching back to SQL

Any suggestions via mail (hilavalen...@gmail.com) would be highly



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