On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Joel <felixtheratr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Christopher Schultz <
> ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>> Try this:
>> sudo find /opt/Tomcat -type f -exec \
>>   grep "function2.basiceng.umr.edu" "{}" \;
>> Thanks, I'll use this now.
> sackett-research-lab2b:~ joel$ sudo find /opt/Tomcat -type f -exec \
> >   grep "function2.basiceng.umr.edu" "{}" \;
> Password:
> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=
> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu/view";>
> // "<a href=\"
> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/Accounting/confirm.jsp?id="; +
> id + "\">"
> Binary file /opt/Tomcat/webapps/view/css/.nobar.css.swp matches
> <a href="http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/cgi-bin/test.cgi
> ">Test</a>
>  <FORM ACTION="http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu/tst.cgi";>
> // "<a href=\"
> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/Accounting/confirm.jsp?id="; +
> id + "\">"
> Binary file /opt/Tomcat/webapps/view2/css/.nobar.css.swp matches
> Binary file /opt/Tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/_/index_jsp.class matches
>       out.write("<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0;url=
> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu/view\";>\r\n");
> // "<a href=\"
> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/Accounting/confirm.jsp?id="; +
> id + "\">"
>> >> /opt/Tomcat/webapps/view/acct_new.jsp:// "<a href=\"
>> >> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/Accounting/confirm.jsp?id=";
>> +
>> >> id + "\">"
>> This appears commented-out, but could be a problem.
> How could this be a problem if it is commented out?
>> Are the messages you are getting coming only from Safari? Can you track
>> the HTTP messages that are actually being sent? It's tough to tell
>> what's going on just from Safari error messages (which are somewhat
>> "friendly" and try to interpret the situation instead of telling you
>> exactly what happened).
> I'm not sure how to do this, I know you can turn off friend messages in
> internet explorer. But when I downloaded ie5 for mac I couldn't find the
> *$&#*@(# tools menu. :)
> oh and this is the /etc/hosts
> ##
> # Host Database
> #
> # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
> # when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
> ##
>       localhost
> broadcasthost
> ::1             localhost
> fe80::1%lo0     localhost
> ~
> Thanks for the help.
Yeah, finally found the tools menu (not used to macs), but I still can't see
how to turn off friendly messages. All the options are different in the mac

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