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I'll try to hit all your replies at once, here.

On 2/23/2011 4:18 PM, Joel wrote:
>>> sackett-research-lab2b:~ joel$ sudo find /opt/Tomcat -type f -exec \
>>>>   grep "function2.basiceng.umr.edu" "{}" \;

Oops: I forgot the "-l" switch on grep... it's not giving you any file
names :)

>>> Password:
>>> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=
>>> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu/view";>
>>> // "<a href=\"
>>> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/Accounting/confirm.jsp?id="; +
>>> id + "\">"
>>> Binary file /opt/Tomcat/webapps/view/css/.nobar.css.swp matches
>>> <a href="http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/cgi-bin/test.cgi
>>> ">Test</a>
>>>  <FORM ACTION="http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu/tst.cgi";>
>>> // "<a href=\"
>>> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/Accounting/confirm.jsp?id="; +
>>> id + "\">"
>>> Binary file /opt/Tomcat/webapps/view2/css/.nobar.css.swp matches
>>> Binary file /opt/Tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/_/index_jsp.class
>>> matches
>>>       out.write("<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0;url=
>>> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu/view\";>\r\n");
>>>  // "<a href=\"
>>> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu:8080/view/Accounting/confirm.jsp?id="; +
>>> id + "\">"

Got some hits, I see. What is the hostname of the server on which the
app is actually running, now? Either :80 or :8080 should work given the
configuration you've shown, so I suspect the hostname is the problem.
You can always try to configure an /etc/hosts setting for the above
hostname and set them to the IP address of the real host -- just for
testing, of course... it's not reasonable to have users modify their
hosts files just to use your webapp :)

>>>> This appears commented-out, but could be a problem.
>>> How could this be a problem if it is commented out?

Well, it's tough to tell if it's commented since there was no context.
Maybe there really was a "//" in the output. Besides, anywhere that text
occurs is a potential error in case it gets un-commented in the future.

>> Yeah, finally found the tools menu (not used to macs), but I still can't
>> see how to turn off friendly messages. All the options are different in the
>> mac version.

Hmm... does Wireshark have a Mac OS X build? You might try that if you
get desperate.

> So I was wondering if the website url in these files has anything to do with
> my problem

If the hostname of the server has changed (or you've moved the app,
which it sounds like you have), then it is /very/ likely to cause problems.

> and if so are all the java files present for all the class files

You'll have to check that out for yourself. How familiar are you with
Java in general? Each .class file comes from a .java file, though there
are some cases where the .java filename isn't obvious from the .class
file name (inner classes, anonymous classes, and other assorted fun stuff).

String constants are compiled-into the .class files without any
compression, so if you have a .java file with that text in it, you
should find it in the .java file that goes with it.

Web applications rarely come with any source files in them, though .jsp
files (which are compiled on the fly by the server) are always in
"source form". If the webapp is written properly, all UI-related stuff
will be in the .jsp files and not in any .java files.

> and if so how would I go about recompiling the java files?

That really depends on the build process of the webapp. Are there any
files like "build.xml" in the root directory of the webapp? Anything
else that might look like a build script? If you don't have any .java
files, you have nothing to compile, which would be convenient. If you do
have them and there are no build scripts, you might have to use "javac",
the command-line compiler, which is similar to the "cc" C compiler
except that it doesn't do any linking: just compiles .java -> .class.

> Binary file Tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/_/index_jsp.class matches

These files are compiled .jsp files: you can ignore them and focus on
the source .jsp with a similar name. For instance, the file above should
have come from a file called "index.jsp".

There will also be a .java file laying around with a similar name. Oh,
there it is:

> Tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/_/index_jsp.java:      out.write("<meta
> http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0;url=
> http://function2.basiceng.umr.edu/view\";>\r\n");

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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