Thanks - a custom JarScanner did the trick.  

I'll do the bugzilla submission soon too.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 3:04 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Upgrading from Tomcat 6.0.29 to 7.0.8 - TLD Scanned Location 

On 23/02/2011 19:13, Scott Hamilton wrote:
> Looks like the TldConfig class changed significantly between these versions 
> such that now TLDs that are under WEB-INF/classes (e.g. 
> WEB-INF/classes/META-INF) are no longer scanned/processed.
> This is an issue for us in development as some of our MyEclipse projects are 
> TLD library projects that in production will be in JARs in the WEB-INF/lib 
> but in development get exploded into WEB-INF/classes.  In 6.0.x this worked 
> fine for us; 7.0.8 has removed this "feature".
> I realize that the reasoning behind this was to be more spec-compliant.

Actually, the reasoning was:
a) make TLD scanning consistent between Catalina & Jasper
b) provide the extension points required by the Virgo project for OSGI RFC66

> My question is whether there is a Tomcat work-around to this to facilitate 
> our development environment?  I've been poking around the TC source code and 
> as yet see no way to do this.  I was even thinking of extending TldConfig to 
> use a subclass as a lifecycle listener (turning off the context processTlds) 
> but (as far as I've looked at this approach) the methods I'd want to override 
> or call in TldConfig are private. :(
> Any ideas?


Implementing your own JarScanner that additionally scans WEB-INF/classes
should do the trick in the short-term.

If you open a Bugzilla issue, I'll look into providing a configuration
option that allows WEB-INF classes to be treated like an exploded JAR file.


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