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How can I encrypt the password inside the xml file?


בתאריך 27 בפברואר 2011 19:37, מאת הילה <>:

> Original:
> Does this happen all the time? Under what conditions? Are you able to
> build a patched version of Tomcat in a test environment to test a fix I
> have? What version of Java and Tomcat are you running?
> Hey
> I'm not sure if you refer the question to me, since the whole topic shifted
> to an off topic :]
> But yes, it happens all the time. what do you mean "under what conditions?"
> As I specified in my first mail, it happens when I implement windows
> authentication on tomcat
> I use tomcat 6.0.29 , on OS win server 2008 R2 standard, JDK 1.6 Build 23
> If you have a fix, I'll happy to try it on our test environment.
> Thanks
> Hila
> 2011/2/25 Christopher Schultz <>
>> Hash: SHA1
>> André,
>> On 2/25/2011 10:47 AM, André Warnier wrote:
>> > [Thread hijacking] is more annoying, because quite a few people have
>> their client set
>> > to display messages "by thread" (a hierarchical display where messages
>> > neatly appear under the ones they respond to, instead of just
>> > chronologically).  The client classifies new messages as being "part of
>> > a thread" using information contained in other headers within the
>> > message (kind of a "refers to" thing).  These headers are automatically
>> > added by the list server.
>> > So when you respond to an existing message and change the subject, for
>> > these people an unrelated message suddenly appears inside a discussion
>> > "tree" where your new message does not belong.
>> Worse are mail clients who think that "subject" and "thread" are
>> interchangeable: the thread-id in the SMTP headers is ignored and
>> instead the subject is used to thread things. That way, two things happen:
>> 1. People who hijack threads can't tell and get all angry when we tell
>> them they hijacked the thread
>> 2. Legitimate thread-subject-changes (such as adding [OT] or whatever)
>> end up showing-up in what looks like a separate thread.
>> > Please do [chip in].  That's the point of this list.
>> > Specially interventions like yours, which is civil, well-written and
>> > brings valuable information and insights.
>> Mostly everyone here will ignore most of the list-etiquette rules and
>> remain civil if you have something worthwhile to say. Top-posting is
>> only irritating when it looks like this:
>> Reply:
>> Yes, no, and maybe. There are other times this happens. 1.6. 5.something.
>> Original:
>> Does this happen all the time? Under what conditions? Are you able to
>> build a patched version of Tomcat in a test environment to test a fix I
>> have? What version of Java and Tomcat are you running?
>> Since Chris's post had actual content and didn't really have a
>> point-counterpoint feel to it, top-posting can be forgiven :)
>> - -chris
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