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On 3/2/2011 12:02 PM, Tony Anecito wrote:
> Glashfish 3.1 was 
> released yesterday and its performance is the best I have seen for a J2EE 
> servlet container. They reported a 30% + improvement in almost every area and 
> a 
> less than 4 seconds startup that's even better than Tomcat 7 with my 6 core 
> machine.

I think start time depends a lot upon your webapp(s). For instance, our
dev server is a virtualized quad-core 3.4GHz Xeon (or maybe it's a
dual-core with hyperthreading) that we share with who knows how many
other VMs. Tomcat 6.0.32 starts up in 6569 and that includes launching
our webapp which grabs ~4300 text mathematical expressions from our
database and parses them into evaluable objects.

I'd bet that Tomcat with no webapps deployed would start up in about 2
seconds on my hardware.

> But I suspect for that number they were using a UltraSparc T3. They 
> also now provide mod_jk support so Apache can be the web server and Glashfish 
> the J2EE container.

GlassFish didn't support AJP before? That doesn't seem right...

- -chris
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