I have changed sources so that the actuall state is following:

Apache things are in directory
tomcat things are in directory

XYtest.xml is now:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context docBase="/opt/test/servlet" allowLinking="true">

And jsp are stored in

Updated HTML file stored in /opt/test/htdocs is:
<frameset rows="63,40,*" frameborder="0">
 <frame src="logo.html" name="logo" noresize scrolling="no"
marginwidth="0" marginheight="
 <frame src="/XYtest/servlet/jsp/Viewer/View.jsp" name="toolbar"
noresize scrolling="no"
marginwidth="0" marginhei
 <frame src="/XYtest/servlet/jsp/Viewer/View2.jsp" name="ctrl">

Apache has been updated accordingly:
ProxyPass /XYtest/servlet ajp://localhost:8009/XYtest/servlet
ProxyPassReverse /XYtest/servlet ajp://localhost:8009/XYtest/servlet

Unfortunatelly it shows me: HTTP 404

message /XYtest/servlet/jsp/Viewer/View.jsp

description The requested resource
(/XYtest/servlet/jsp/Viewer/View.jsp) is not available.

What is wrong?
Other servlets which did not used JSP are working properly.

Thank you in advance

2011/3/8 André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com>:
> Petr Hracek wrote:
>> Dear users,
>> I would like to asked you on the some thing regarding JSP pages.
>> On the Linux whereis installed apache 2.2.14 and tomcat 5.5.28
> that's an old version of Tomcat. You should be using at least a 6.0.x
> version by now.
>  I would
>> like to run
>> JSP pages.
>> JSP pages should be run over mod_proxy_ajp.
>> URL is:
>> http://<IP_address>/XYtest/jsp/Viewer/index.html
>> ProxyPass /XYtest/*.jsp ajp://localhost:8009/XYtest
>> ProxyPassReverse /XYtest/*.jsp ajp://localhost:8009/XYtest
>> JSP page is called from HTML (index.html) and FRAME src "view.jsp"
>> mentioned above.
>> but instead of showing JSP page HTML source code is shown.
>> Do you know what could be a reason?
>> in the Catalina configuration directory
>> (/etc/tomcat5/base/Catalina/localhost/XYtest.xml) is following context
>> file
>> test# cat /etc/tomcat/5/base/Catalina/locahost/XYtest.xml
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
>> <Context docBase="/opt/test/XYtest" allowLinking="true">
>> </Context>
>> test#
>> structure in Linux is:
>> /opt/test/XYtest/jsp/Viewer where are located files index.html and
>> view.jsp which is part of FRAME
> As a general observation : it looks like you are trying to serve the same
> directory from Apache httpd and from Tomcat.  That is generally a quite bad
> idea in terms of security, and also in terms of confusion, as you are
> experiencing here.
> To understand what is happening, you must look at it from the browser point
> of view.
> Step 1 :
> Your initial html document "index.html" is :
> <frameset rows="63,40,*" frameborder="0">
>  <frame src="logo.html" name="logo" noresize scrolling="no"
> marginwidth="0" marginheight="
> 0">
>  <frame src="View.jsp" name="toolbar" noresize scrolling="no"
> marginwidth="0" marginhei
> ght="0">
>  <frame src="View2.jsp" name="ctrl">
> </frameset>
> and the browser loads it from the URL :
> http://<IP_address>/XYtest/jsp/Viewer/index.html
> Step 2 :
> In this document, the browser finds a reference to another document :
> <frame src="View.jsp" ..>
> The browser interprets that relative URL on the base of the origin of the
> current page, and then it asks the server for that document.
> So the browser requests the document (the inside frame) from the URL :
> http://<IP_address>/XYtest/jsp/Viewer/View.jsp
> Step 3 :
> The Apache httpd server receives the request for
> http://<IP_address>/XYtest/jsp/Viewer/View.jsp
> and it tries to match it with your proxy statement :
> ProxyPass /XYtest/*.jsp ajp://localhost:8009/XYtest
> It does not match (see below), so Apache httpd serves it itself, directly
> from disk.
> That is why you see the source : Tomcat never sees this request, and Apache
> has no idea that a ".jsp" file is anything else than text.
> Now why does it not match ?
> Because the ProxyPass directive does not understand wildcards or regexp.
> For that, you should us "ProxyPassMatch", for example like this :
> ProxyPassMatch "/XYtest/.*\.jsp$" ajp://localhost:8009/XYtest
> But it is still a bad idea.
> Why ?
> Suppose that in the directory /opt/test/XYtest, there is a sub-directory
> named "WEB-INF", and in that directory is a file "web.xml".
> This file is a configuration file for your Tomcat web application, and it
> may contain things like passwords for accessing a database for example.
> For that reason (security), Tomcat /never/ allows a user to request a
> document within the WEB-INF sub-directory of a web application.
> But with your setup, anyone can ask for the URL :
> http://<IP_address>/XYtest/WEB-INF/web.xml
> and Apache httpd will happily return that file (also as a text file).
> So, with you setup, you are bypassing an important security feature of
> Tomcat, because you are allowing Apache httpd to go "around it".
> There are different possibilities to fix your configuration.
> The first one would be to do this in Apache :
> ProxyPass /XYtest ajp://localhost:8009/XYtest
> and NOT define the directory /opt/test/XYtest in any way in Apache.
> That way, any request for a URL starting will /XYtest will be forwarded
> directly to Tomcat, and Tomcat will happily serve html pages (like
> index.html) as well as Apache.
> And it knows how to handle jsp pages too.
> Now, if all you want to do is serve html pages and jsp pages, you could also
> wonder if you need Apache httpd and mod_prox_ajp at all. You could set
> Tomcat to answer directly on port 80, get rid of Apache httpd, and simplify
> your configuration.
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Best Regards / S pozdravem
Petr Hracek

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