What kind of memory errors do you have? I have never seen application that
uses 2GB of permanent memory. Usually if you have "out of memory" errors you
need to increase the -Xmx1024M and not the permanent memory size. In your
setting you have given the JVM heap only 1GB and the permanent memory 2GB
which doesn't make sense to me. The perm size shouldn't be more than 500MB
or 1GB in the worst case and I'm talking from my experience with huge
production applications.

How much memory? I think you have answered that question your self - if you
have 3.5GB and it's free than give it all to the JVM, especially if it is
the only process running on the box. Basically any 32 bit process can grow
up to 4GB. But  over 3GB can create some problem in troubleshooting big core
files so I would say start with -Xmx2048M and -XX:MaxPermSize=512M and see
how you go.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:14 PM, abhishek jain

> > > also am i writing these values in the correct location,
> >
> > With the tomcat base startup scripts, this should be in
> > $CATALINA_BASE/setenv.sh. This file will be sourced by catalina.sh if
> > it exists.
> >
> Hi
> I have a feeling that i am writing in wrong place,
> setenv.sh dont exist in my system, do i need to create that or can i write
> directly in catalina.sh, if yes where to place this configuration.
> --
> Thanks and kind Regards,
> Abhishek jain

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