vista home basic.
No, I can restart tomcat each time, by clicking the start/stop button.

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Leo Donahue - PLANDEVX <> wrote:

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: RAHUL RAJ []
> >Subject: Re: Working of Tomcat with MS Access
> >
> >you said:
> >
> >"You need to change that account to one that has access to your mdb.
> >You
> >can do that through the Services console.  Or try starting Tomcat via
> >the
> >startup.bat file, that should launch Tomcat with the same account you've
> >logged into your system with, which hopefully is the same account you
> >need
> >to for "Access".
> >"
> >
> >I don't know how to do these...Can you explain for me?
> On Vista Home Basic... ?  Uh...
> Start/Control Panel
> Switch to Classic View
> Find Administrative Tools/Services
> You're on your own after this, but in a nutshell.. you need to check the
> properties of the "Tomcat Service" and see if you can change the way the
> service "Logs On"
> What happens when you reboot your computer? Do you have to restart Tomcat
> each time or is it still running after you reboot?
> >Also startup.bat is not there in the specified directory.
> Fine.  By the way, I never specified a directory because no one here knows
> how you've installed Tomcat 5.5.x
> I'm very fond of version x myself.
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