On 18 April 2011 11:48, Venkata Surapaneni <vsurapan...@imedx.com> wrote:

>                I have installed Tomcat 5.5.23 on Windows 2008,32 bit  and
> Java 1.6.0_23 . The installation completed fine.
> When I typed in localhost:8080 on the web page Tomcat home page is
> displayed indicating that Tomcat installation is done.
> But when I type the ip address of the machine like instead
> of local host, Tomcat home page is not displayed.
> I thought it may be something related to the host mapping and checked the
> hosts file in etc folder and it doesn't seem to have anything extra
> configured except the default.
> Any idea why Tomcat is not working with the IP address?
> 0) Is there any particular reason to use that version?

1) Port 8080 may be bound to localhost rather than all ports.  netstat -an |
find "8080" will tell you.  If it is, change Tomcat's server.xml

2) You may need to open up port 8080 on the firewall.

- Peter

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