Venkata Surapaneni wrote:

                I have installed Tomcat 5.5.23 on Windows 2008,32 bit  and Java 
1.6.0_23 . The installation completed fine.

When I typed in localhost:8080 on the web page Tomcat home page is displayed 
indicating that Tomcat installation is done.

Where is the browser running ? on the same machine ?

But when I type the ip address of the machine like instead of 
local host, Tomcat home page is not displayed.

and what is displayed ?

I thought it may be something related to the host mapping and checked the hosts 
file in etc folder and it doesn't seem to have anything extra configured except 
the default.

Any idea why Tomcat is not working with the IP address?

On the Win2008 server, start the Tomcat service.
Then open a command window an enter the command :

netstat -aobn -p tcp

After a while, you should get a display with lines like this :

TCP               LISTEN         956

Note all the lines mentioning [tomcat5.exe] in the last position, and the word LISTEN in the 4th column (the other lines show other programs, and do not matter here).

In the first column is always "TCP".
In the second column, it shows all the IP addresses and ports on which Tomcat is listening for connections. For example above, it shows that Tomcat is listening on the IP address "", and port 8080. "" is a special address, which means "all IP addresses of this machine".

What does it show on your system ?

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