Can you show the contents of the file ?
And, if you send just /one/ of your test requests to one Tomcat, what is the response time ? (do that several times, separately, and calculate the average).

arsimranjit singh Kler wrote:
Hope you clear with my steup?


On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Harsimranjit singh Kler <> wrote:

My  Setup one load balancer(apache ) and three tomcat server .
so 800 requests me i am hitting on apache loadbalancer using SOAP UI
s\w now apache using modjk connector(equal load among all worker
.Rondrobin) and  distributing requests to 3 tomcats .So 270 aprx for each
tomcat worker.

If hitting 1200 on Loadbalancer .this mean  400 aprox  processed by each
tomcat worker.(Assuming all 1200 requests not going to one tomcat if no
failover.As per my understanding i have given maxthread as 500 for each
tomcat worker )

Yes I removed  minProcessors="25" maxProcessors="2000" now.

i am using SOAP UI s\w to test setup where i can check response and all.For
my web services project(wsdl) some 4 methods exposed & are invoked in
sequence.Average time for these all method to complete i am using to
test.Let me know if some alternate tool to test load and performance , i can
try with that also.

Let me know if some issue with my configurations ?

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 3:41 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:


I am still not quite sure that I understand the way your are presenting
your results, below.
What does a line like

b) 800 request 1 LB ,3 tomcat==Slow response time(double)
actually mean ?

Apart from that :

minProcessors="25" maxProcessors="2000"
these attributes are deprecated, see
Since they are confusing, remove them.


This means that each Tomcat will actually /never/ process more than 500
simultaneous AJP requests.  Any additional simultaneous request will have to
wait, until one thread becomes available to handle it.

One thing that you are not mentioning, is : in your test, how long does it
take to actually process 1 request, if you send just one ?

c) what pogram are you using, to send the requests to Apache/Tomcat ?
And how do you see that "the response time is slow/slower" ?

Harsimranjit singh Kler wrote:

Hi andre

Actully i m testing performance of my setup.I have apache 2.2.17 handling
requests and configured 4 tomcats with modjk connector.
ServerLimit 30
worker MPM details:
 StartServers 20
 MaxClients 1500
 MinSpareThreads 40
 MaxSpareThreads 100
 ThreadsPerChild 50
 MaxRequestsPerChild 0
server.xml for each tomcat

<!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->

<Connector port="8009"

enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443"

minProcessors="25" maxProcessors="2000"

maxThreads="500" minSpareThreads="25"

maxSpareThreads="75" protocol="AJP/1.3" />

Now i have tested by hitting some concurent requests on apache load

a) 400 request 1 LB ,1 tomcat==expected response time
b) 400 request 1 LB ,2 tomcat==expected response time
c) 400 request 1 LB ,3 tomcat==expected response time


a) 800 request 1 LB, 2 tomcat==Slow response time(double)
b) 800 request 1 LB ,3 tomcat==Slow response time(double)
a) 1200 request 1 LB, 3 tomcat==Slow response time(three time)

why LB slow down with increased concurent requests(CPU & memory

Hope u clear with my problem?

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 1:06 AM, André Warnier <> wrote:

It may be me, but your question is not very clear.
Let me try again :
Since you seem to have Apache httpd in front of Tomcat, you can try to
the "ab" program which comes with Apache httpd, to send requests to
and by selecting appropriate requests, have them forwarded to Tomcat
Then, at the Apache httpd level, the mod_status module would help you
figure out what is going on at the Apache httpd level.
The mod_jk status worker will show you what is going on at the mod_jk
And the Tomcat Manager (server-status part), will show you some
about what is going on at the Tomcat level.
There are also tools such as "jconsole" which can show you what is
happening at the level of the JVM which runs Tomcat (each Tomcat, if you
have several).

References for the above :
Apache "ab" program :
Apache mod_status :
mod_jk status worker :
Tomcat Manager application :
Monitoring the Tomcat JVM :

If that does not answer your question, then try to be more clear about
exactly you are looking for. For example, what do you mean by "test
load" ?
What precisely are you trying to find out ?

Harsimranjit singh Kler wrote:

Hi Andre
i checked but i want simple steps to test load on my each worker as am
first time.Thanks
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Harsimranjit singh Kler <> wrote:


 I  need some observations on loadbalancer with mod jk, such as
How to check  utilization of each httpd workers? How to check what is
number of connections active on the each separate
Tomcats when there is load?.How i can increase response time?AJP port
should unique in worker.properities?

Whenever i am increasing concurrent requests on LB response time
Using apache 2.2.17+modjk1.2.31+tomcat 5.5.27


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