Thank you Christopher,

   I'll put it up, verify and let you know on the same!! Once again Thanks!

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Joji,
> On 5/11/2011 3:15 AM, Joji V J wrote:
> > Since few days I've noticed that some of the applications in the server
> > are using the device manager based database connections, causing too many
> > open connections with the database. Unfortunately I'm in no position to
> > instruct them to use the tomcat based datasource connections. So here
> it'll
> > of great help if you can provide me with configurations/tips to override
> the
> > java device manager based connections and pass them through the tomcat
> > resource driven datasource connections..
> I can only think of one way to do this, and it requires the use of a
> SecurityManager (which may be more complicated than it's worth for you).
> Here's what you do:
> 1. Go into the class where you /want/ programmers to be able to obtain
> connections. Let's call that class ConnectionFactory, and assume there's
> a method called getConnection in it. Add this code:
>   public Connection getConnection()
>     throws ...
>   {
>       ...
>       if(null != System.getSecurityManager())
>       {
>         return AccessController.doPrivileged(
>             new PrivilegedAction<Connection>() {
>               public Connection run() {
>                 // get your Connection object
>                 return the_connection;
>               }
>             }
>         );
>       } else {
>         // get your Connection object
>       }
>   }
> 2. Adjust your policy file such that the above code is allowed to make
> outgoing connections to your db.
> This ought to cause SecurityExceptions to be thrown whenever the
> DriverManager is used directly to obtain a connection.
> - -chris
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> =OUDy
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