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On 5/24/2011 3:01 AM, McAfe wrote:
> Apache 2.2 (using mod_jk)
> The testing result I've use Jmeter (configured 100 thread per-second) it
> will die when thread(Jmeter) between 200 ~ 300

AJP expects to have persistent connections. What is your Apache httpd
configuration for StartServers/MinSpareServers/MaxSpareServers (for
prefork MPM) or startServers/MinSpareThreads/MaxSpareThreads (for worker

What are you settings on the Tomcat side for your AJP <Connector>?

> From the research get to know minSpareThreads and maxSpareThreads, after set
> the configure it can handle more to 400 ~ 600

minSpareThreads and maxSpareThreads shouldn't be used when using AJP:
you should be using the exact number configured on the httpd side.
Otherwise, you risk AJP connections churning.

> (1st) What is the minSpareThreads and maxSpareThreads is? [Unable to find
> the description on tomcat 6.0 but able find for tomcat 5.5 as
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/config/http.html]

Tomcat 6 and 7 no longer use these settings. If you want a
dynamically-sized thread pool, use an <Executor> instead.

> (2nd) From read 1 by 1 at the forums about Performance tuning - tomcat, some
> mention keep hit > 20k per seconds, how their do it?

That depends a lot on what kind of load it was under. Serving static
files is fast. Running database transactions is slow. Also, sizing the
various pools can have an effect: you can max-out the throughput of a
single client but still have plenty of CPU time and I/O time available
on the server. If that's the case, make your connection pools bigger.

- -chris
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