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On 6/20/2011 8:12 PM, Rafael Liu wrote:
> Good point Chuck. I agree with you, the webapp wouldn't be all secured. But
> there are 2 different things here:
> * the issue with the plain password
> * the issue with session hijacking

This does become somewhat of a philosophical question. I agree that
credentials should always be secured. If the service itself is not
particularly sensitive, I think it's acceptable to use SSL only during

Be aware that some authentication schemes (i.e. HTTP Auth) send
credentials on every request, not just the first time they are challenged.

> The first one first gives the hacker a private information about the user
> (which can even the used by the user somewhere else). The hacker will have
> the actual user's credentials, and will be able to login at will.
> The second one doesn't necessarily exposes user's informations. The hacker
> can pretend to be the user, but only for the time of the session. Even tho
> there are tricks to keep the session alive [almos] forever, this is
> essentially different from having the user's credential.

If the system doesn't require the existing password to be supplied
(again, in SSL!) in order to do things like change the password, then an
attacker can hijack the session and then hijack the account. The
credentials are still safe, but the account is not.

> I see them at different levels of security. Using the same logic, one can
> say that there's no point in using DIGEST authentication if there's still
> room for session hijacking. Much like BASIC / DIGEST or CONFIDENTIAL /
> INTEGRAL provides different levels of security, I think the two cases
> mentioned also do. Giving these kind of options to the webapp can make NFR
> (like performance) easier to meet and infrastructure easier to configure
> (like rewriting on Apache).


The right answer is: always think about what you are doing.

- -chris
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