On 22/07/2011 23:22, Dennis de Champeaux wrote:
> This is the 2nd response with 
>                      "You have a broken configuration".
> Why are you guys not explaining what is broken?

Because if you take the attitude you did in your initial post (the
question "TC (6.0.33) is wacko?" in particular) the community is
unlikely to hand you the answer on a plate. This explains things better
than I ever could:

> I cannot read your mind/ Telepathy does not work here yet.

No need for telepathy. You have been given all the information you need
to solve this. You just need to put in a little more effort.

> BTW I did do plenty of research on this topic

Apparently not enough. Try searching the Tomcat docs for "double

> Your SNOTTYness is not appreciated ....... 

Neither is your shouting or your attitude.

>       Actually I cannot stand this list .......

Then stop posting to it. No-one is forcing you to post here.

> Do not tell me again that I get what I paid for ....                Ugh

No-one is paying for anything here. However, when asking questions of a
community of volunteers there are a number of expectations of those
asking the questions. Generally, the less the person asking the question
meets those expectations, the less helpful the community will be.


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