----- Original Message -----

> From: Dennis de Champeaux <atlantisic...@yahoo.com>
> To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 3:22 PM
> Subject: Re: URL/ URI/ TC(?) puzzle -- wrong non-error?
>T his is the 2nd response with 
>                      "You have a broken configuration".
> Why are you guys not explaining what is broken?
> I cannot read your mind/ Telepathy does not work here yet. 
> BTW I did do plenty of research on this topic
> Your SNOTTYness is not appreciated ....... 
>       Actually I cannot stand this list .......
> Do not tell me again that I get what I paid for ....                Ugh

As has been pointed out, your configuration is incorrect. Your
configuration leads to double deployment.

Instead guessing at what you're trying to achieve, what platform
you're running on, what exact version of Tomcat you're running, and
what JRE version you're using, I'm going to point you at some

First of all, there's a reasonably detailed discussion on how to set
up virtual hosts in Tomcat here:


While this is designed for a development environment, it also serves
as a good basis for a production environment.

Once you have that set up, it's time to address your particular host

According to the following documentation:


it is NOT RECOMMENDED to place <Context> elements directly in

Instead, either place the context element as a file [app-name].xml in
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/[host-name] or in the application's META-INF
directory as context.xml. There are good reasons to choose one or the
other, depending on your use case. The differences are noted here:


under Automatic Application Deployment.

Now that you've ripped the <Context> element out of server.xml, it's
time to address the contents of this element.

Again, I will point you to:


as the reference.

1. There is no debug attribute
2. Don't set docBase UNLESS the application exists outside of appBase
   for the host. This is useful if you're setting up cross-context
   applications (for example, Solr). In any case do NOT set docBase as a
   subdirectory of appBase.
3. Don't set path

If you have problems once you've cleaned up your installation
according to the documentation listed above, come back with specific

I refer you to:


as a good resource on how to ask questions on a mailing list. In
particular, it's a good idea to pay attention to the following:


. . . . just a happy Tomcat user.


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