I recently upgraded from 7.0.16 to 7.0.19, and having made no other changes
whatsoever, I've bumped into a new problem compiling long JSPs:

java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:



Granted, this JSP ends up generating java that's 7331 lines long, and 300k
in size...but it works absolutely fine in 7.0.16.  Did some sort of jasper
or compiler option change in 7.0.19?  I'm not sure if the generated source
got larger, or if the new version of tomcat is more restrictive.

I'm working on trimming my JSP down, which is something I need to do anyway,
but I wanted to raise this issue in case there's a simple fix.  I remember
in the past (6.0.x some time ago), tomcat used to give a more informative
error in this circumstance, indicating that class size or method size was
the issue.  Now the error is completely ambiguous...and it took me a little
while to figure out (read: guess) that method size was the issue.

Anyway, heads-up about this.  Thanks!


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