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On 7/23/2011 6:21 PM, Rob Stevens wrote:
> Every web page that I have read says that this is all that is
> required to deploy cocoon under tomcat.

You should be ready to go at this point.

> However, when I browse to  the cocoon welcome page: 
> localhost:8080/cocoon
> I get a fault and a java stack trace that I include at the end of the
> email. Browsing to localhost:8080/cocoon/welcome gives a similar
> result. The gist appears to be that it is looking for an "index.html"
> file.

Unless it's been given any other instructions, Tomcat's DefaultServlet
will change anything that looks like a directory into <directory>/ and
then use the "welcome file" configuration (defaults to index.jsp,

> I have run cocoon successfully standalone (port 8888 etc) and
> everything looks fine. I am only trying to deploy cocoon in a servlet
> container as an exercise to improve my understanding: evidently that
> understand is much in need of improvement.

Cocoon always runs in a servlet container, it's just that you can also
build it so that it runs in one supplied by the good people over at the
Cocoon project. Their build procedure seems geared toward building a
self-container Cocoon "program" that looks like it's standalone but it
actually a servlet container (probably Tomcat or Jetty) wrapped around

I myself run Cocoon (under TC 6) and have never bothered to run their
included container. I should be able to help.

> =================== java stack trace begins here
> ========================= 
> org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched 
> request: index.html at

Okay, so the good news is that Cocoon has been loaded and it responding
to requests. The only question is why it is looking for "index.html". I
suspect that something hasn't been matched properly /before/ this point,
and Tomcat's DefaultServlet is doing some redirecting and/or searching
for a welcome-file.

It would be good if you could provide the portion of your Cocoon's
META-INF/web.xml file that contains the <servlet-mapping> sections. I
suspect that localhost:8080/cocoon or localhost:8080/cocoon/welcome
isn't properly mapped to the Cocoon servlet.

- -chris
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