
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my email.
I am sure it must take quite a bit of your time and I am most grateful.

I cannot find a web.xml file in META-INF, but here is what I see in
the <servlet-mapping> sections in
(should there be such a file in META-INF? I see only INDEX.LIST and
As you said, it seems as though something is missing

(BTW: I am using the book "Cocoon: Building XML Applications"
 by Langham & Ziegler. It is very out-of-date and that is probably part
of my trouble.
 There don't appear to be many up-to-the-minute books around)

Rob Stevens

================= snippet =====================


    <!-- Mapping of Slide's WebDAV servlet. -->

  <!-- XMLDB Block, Xindice XML-RPC Server servlet mapping -->

====================== end snippet ===============================

> Rob,
> On 7/23/2011 6:21 PM, Rob Stevens wrote:
> > Every web page that I have read says that this is all that is
> > required to deploy cocoon under tomcat.
> You should be ready to go at this point.
> > However, when I browse to  the cocoon welcome page:
> > localhost:8080/cocoon
> > I get a fault and a java stack trace that I include at the end of the
> > email. Browsing to localhost:8080/cocoon/welcome gives a similar
> > result. The gist appears to be that it is looking for an "index.html"
> > file.
> Unless it's been given any other instructions, Tomcat's DefaultServlet
> will change anything that looks like a directory into <directory>/ and
> then use the "welcome file" configuration (defaults to index.jsp,
> index.html).
> > I have run cocoon successfully standalone (port 8888 etc) and
> > everything looks fine. I am only trying to deploy cocoon in a servlet
> > container as an exercise to improve my understanding: evidently that
> > understand is much in need of improvement.
> Cocoon always runs in a servlet container, it's just that you can also
> build it so that it runs in one supplied by the good people over at the
> Cocoon project. Their build procedure seems geared toward building a
> self-container Cocoon "program" that looks like it's standalone but it
> actually a servlet container (probably Tomcat or Jetty) wrapped around
> Cocoon.
> I myself run Cocoon (under TC 6) and have never bothered to run their
> included container. I should be able to help.
> > =================== java stack trace begins here
> > =========================
> > org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched
> > request: index.html at
> org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.sitemap.PipelineNode.invoke(
> Okay, so the good news is that Cocoon has been loaded and it responding
> to requests. The only question is why it is looking for "index.html". I
> suspect that something hasn't been matched properly /before/ this point,
> and Tomcat's DefaultServlet is doing some redirecting and/or searching
> for a welcome-file.
> It would be good if you could provide the portion of your Cocoon's
> META-INF/web.xml file that contains the <servlet-mapping> sections. I
> suspect that localhost:8080/cocoon or localhost:8080/cocoon/welcome
> isn't properly mapped to the Cocoon servlet.
> -chris

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