2011/7/30 honyk <j.tosov...@email.cz>:
> Hello Everyone,
> when migrating my JSF 2.0 app from tomcat 6.0.32 to the version 7.0.19 I've
> encountered the following encoding issue.
> I have a simple JSF (xhtml) page with an embedded SVG image in it <object
> type="image/svg+xml" data="encoding.svg">. In the web.xml file there is a
> faces servlet mapping set to the '/faces' path fragment.
> In tomcat 6 there is no difference between these two links
> http://drifted.in/encoding/encoding.svg
> http://drifted.in/encoding/faces/encoding.svg
> but in Tomcat 7 I am getting different results. The first is Ok while the
> second, processed by faces servlet, breaks the encoding.
> Together with my app I ship JSTL 1.1 and Mojarra 2.0.6 (jsf-api & jsf-impl)
> libraries.
> Is there necessary to set something else in my app to get the same (correct)
> result also in Tomcat 7?
> I haven't found anything related here:
> http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ/CharacterEncoding
> Any idea?

You have to examine what is actually is being sent to the browser.
(The actual content of the stream and any HTTP headers that come with it).

There are many ways how the things might break, but you are not saying
what is "break" for you - what you are actually observing.

Are both Tomcats on the same system? Maybe your system encoding is different?

What component writes the svg file to the response stream, and how it does that?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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