On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 2:41 PM, Christopher Schultz
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Mohit,
> On 8/5/2011 5:05 PM, Mohit Anchlia wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Christopher Schultz
>>> Uh, why not use an HTTP proxy instead of using HttpClient. Squid,
>>> Apache httpd, countless LBs, and many others have this capability
>>> without you having to re-write this type of logic. Those products
>>> will be faster, more configurable, and less buggy than your own
>>> hand-rolled code.
>> I agree but the problem is that I need to perform some kind of merge
>> of responses and validation checks on the response before returning
>> to client. Also, need to route to appropriate host based on query
>> string values. In essense we need control over it. It's not just the
>> proxy.
> Gotcha. mod_rewrite might be able to help a lot, here, but probably not
> with merging of responses, whatever that means. Do you have some
> requests that need to be split across the two services and then
> re-combined before returning a response? That sounds like a mess.

I also need to use mod_rewrite to direct request to new Servlet. Can I
use rewrite to say abc.com/abc to abc.com/switch/abc?

Mess :) Yes kind of but there is a risk involved since all the
functionality is not moving to the new system. Yes requests split
accross 2 systems and merge them back.

Asking my previous question, do you think Valve is better or Servlet?
I like servlet better in this case.


>>> I think using Java for this is a mistake.
>> why?
> I was thinking that using Tomcat would be a waste of time if an HTTP
> proxy would meet your needs. Maybe they won't.
> - -chris
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