On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Christopher Schultz
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Mohit,
> On 8/5/2011 5:46 PM, Mohit Anchlia wrote:
>> I also need to use mod_rewrite to direct request to new Servlet. Can
>> I use rewrite to say abc.com/abc to abc.com/switch/abc?
> Of course. That's kind of what mod_rewrite was written to do... rewrite
> URLs.
>> Mess :) Yes kind of but there is a risk involved since all the
>> functionality is not moving to the new system. Yes requests split
>> accross 2 systems and merge them back.
> Yuck. Good luck. I think this design is going to make it very difficult
> to manage and maintain. If you can't migrate systems, can you migrate
> APIs? If you use SOA, you can just re-implement one service and then
> combine using any appropriate technology (e.g. XSLT) instead of having
> to combine HTML from bits and pieces.
>> Asking my previous question, do you think Valve is better or
>> Servlet? I like servlet better in this case.
> It depends upon the requirements.
> I would use a Filter over a Valve any day unless there is a real reason
> to dig-into the Tomcat internal classes.
> If you want your code to be able to modify/wrap the request and deliver
> it somewhere else, then use a Filter. If the code is really making all
> the decisions and generating content (or, in fact, merging content from
> other sources), then a Servlet is more appropriate IMO.

thanks for your input. Is it ok to make Http Calls and wait for
response inside of Valve or Filter? Are there any problems that might
arise because of this?
> - -chris
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