Am 24.08.2011 23:01, schrieb André Warnier:
David kerber wrote:
Will TC run on a Windows Server Core installation? For those of you
not familiar with that term, it's a windows server installation with
no GUI, and minimal other pieces. The idea is a reduced disk, memory
and cpu footprint (rather Unix/Linux like).

One might be forgiven if one were to wonder why one would then not use a
perfectly serviceable minimal Linux base then, no ?
Once you take away the GUI, what is left that is so compelling about
Windows Server ?

I would say the very same reasons apply
- reduced ressource utilization
- less vulnerable
- best tool for the job (if windows is your everyday OS)

Not your favourite OS? s/windows/os_your_favorite_os/g. If you can afford it there is an unlimited freedom of choice - but I guess this is not the right list for os flame wars.

Back to your question. I recommend to read . It is a bit dated but lists an ugly pitfall: MSVCR71.dll is required but not included. (don't know if this still applies)

Also many 3rd party libraries use awt for some internal purpose and expect a display (even on linux). So use java.awt.headless=true.


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