
I've noticed a performance difference between classic Tags and simple Tags in 
Tomcat 7.0.21 (also tested it on 7.0.6 with the same results).

Simple tags or tagfiles execution is at 5 times superior to classic tag 

Classic tag execution is more or less the same than using no tags at all.

This impacts web applications relying heavily on custom tag files (such as 
Spring ROO generated applications).
Overall performance with / without tag files is ratio 3 (including JDBC calls, 

I've created a maven project to reproduce the issue.

        * tagfile performance [elapsed = 500 ms].
URL = http://localhost:8080/tagfilesperf/edit-tagfile.jsp
        * classic tag performance [elapsed = 100 ms].
        * simple tag performance [elapsed = 500 ms].
        * notag performance [elapsed = 94 ms].

Project is available in Spring Forum 
I cannot send it with email for the moment (some network restriction policy 
here - sorry).
More info about this issue is available 
here http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?114210-Roo-tagfiles-performance-issues&p=378862#post378862

Should I create an issue in bugzilla or did I miss something ?

Thanks for the help !

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