Remon Sadikni wrote:
Dear Tomcat developers and users,

I managed to restrict a web application by IP-adress with RemoteAddrValve and to restrict another one by basic authentication. Now I would like to restrict the same web application by both methods: - If the user is inside a specific network (e.g. 134.134.*.*), then he should get direct access to the web application (without login window). - If he is outside this network he has to authenticate via username / password. I tried to combine RemoteAddrValve und basic authentication, but I only managed an "AND" conjunction. What I want is a disjunctive combination ("OR") of these 2 methods . How can I do that?


I do not know how familiar you are with the "web authentication area", but I am quite familiar with it, and apart from the purely technical side, let me give you some tips based on experience :

If you are going to do user authentication :

It is almost always a bad idea to do such "group authentication" (like you say above : "all users within this network"). Some reasons are : a) it does not allow you afterward, to know "who did what". This is not only in a "police" kind of way, but also for support when something goes wrong. You will have for example a bunch of lines in your server's logfiles, and will not know which ones are related to the user who just called you for a problem. b) it is almost guaranteed that as soon as this works, whoever asked you to do this, will come back to you within the next weeks/months, saying : "Now I would like that the users of /this/ sub-group (e.g. this sub-series of IP addresses within 134.134.*.*) get something slightly different". (Or, "Now we would like access statistics by country".)

So my recommendation would be that, right from the start, you design a system that allows to identify *every* user individually, even if for some of them you do not present a login dialog and get their user-id from somewhere else, and even if initially the rules for all of them are the same.
You will probably thank yourself later.

For example, it is possible that your network "134.134.*.*" is some kind of "inside network", which also is a Windows Domain; and that all users within that domain which access your server, have first to login to the Windows Domain on their workstation. In such a case, you could use a module which allows Tomcat to authenticate the user automatically (without any visible login dialog) via his Domain user-id. And such a module, if it cannot find a Domain user-id for a user, could have a "fall-back" feature that is Basic Authentication.

I do not know if the relatively recent Tomcat NTLM Realm has such a fall-back feature; but one module that has it is Jespa, which you can read about at
It is a commercial module, but it is not expensive, and it works.
It also allows you, for a user authenticated automatically through the Windows Domain, to request some "user attributes" from the AD directory, such as "user groups", which you can then use much like the "roles" in Tomcat, to allow or not access to some applications. And it works as a Servlet Filter, which means that you can combine it with other filters (maybe of your own design), to achieve precisely what you want, on an application-by-application base.

I am not trying to sell you one particular module or method. Maybe your case is different, and maybe the above is not applicable. I am just trying to get you to think maybe a bit ahead of the particular issue you are having now, and a maybe in a more general way.

(And I have no percentage on Jespa sales; I am just a satisfied user of it).

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