Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: André Warnier [] Subject: Re: Is incoming connection request queue totally ordered?

As ar as I know, this is something controlled by the TCP/IP stack of your host.

And by network topology.

I was talking about what happens one the targeted server has received the connection request and queued it. I believe that is also what the OP meant.

It is not dependent on Tomcat or Java.

Not necessarily true; Tomcat or the JVM could queue connect requests 
internally, and might not maintain order.  (I haven't looked at the code, so I 
don't know what actually happens.)

But yes, intuitively, it should always be a FIFO.

I don't think that assumption is warranted.  Given that different packets 
between a pair of IP nodes may take wildly different routes over the network, 
there's no guarantee on the order of arrival of TCP connection requests from a 
client to a server.

True. But if we are talking about what happens when the connection requests (to a single interface) have actually been received and queued by the target server, I would still find it deliberately vicious on the part of the TCP/IP stack programmer to scramble the queuing order. Wouldn't you ? And apart from being deliberately confusing, this would probably be more difficult to program, and create additional issues of contention. New requests could keep coming and starve much older requests. Not saying it's not possible, but I wouldn't hire the guy who did this to design the watchdog system for a nuclear power plant.

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