Maybe you can get somewhere looking at the parent process ID (PPID)
column in ps output
and knowing the PID of cronolog process.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

2011/10/28 Cooper man <>:
> The danger with that is if you have multiple jvms running on one machine as
> we do, you will get a list of ids
> Raghu GS wrote:
>> Thank you so much for coming up with a solution for this problem.
>> I found a better hack for this problem here
>> Cooper man wrote:
>>> No problem , glad I can be of help as it took me so long to figure it out
>>> too
>>> You need to change the block where the pid is assigned which should be
>>> just under the line I described
>>>  if [ ! -z "$CATALINA_PID" ]; then
>>>       fi
>>> And this is a bit of a hack but something like this will give you the
>>> correct pid.
>>> Set or soehting similar as a jave env variable and then
>>>  if [ ! -z "$CATALINA_PID" ]; then
>>>         ps aux | grep tomcat  | grep |
>>> head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }' > $CATALINA_PID
>>>       fi
>>> Raghu GS wrote:
>>>> Hi Cooper Man
>>>> You are a genius.
>>>> you have perfectly guessed our setup and problem.
>>>> And I am very happy about finding the root cause finally.
>>>> Is there any solution for this problem?
>>>> Cooper man wrote:
>>>>> Hi Raghu,
>>>>> My guess is that you have changed the logging to use cronolog and as
>>>>> such the PID being written is actually the logging process and not the
>>>>> catalina process. Check your file
>>>>> If you see something like this
>>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap "$@" start 2>&1
>>>>> |/usr/bin/cronolog "$CATALINA_BASE"
>>>>> Then there is your answer

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