On 11/11/2011 16:40, celtic man wrote:
> Is this JAVA setting below OK ?
> cat /proc/meminfo
> MemTotal:      4149124 kB
> MemFree:        457884 kB
> 4Gb total memory on the linux box and have 0.4GB free memory and
> tomcat(6.0.18) running with below :
> JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx2000M so that i.e 1.9GB ??
> or please suggest me the best settings that i add and not have any memory
> leak issues on the application..

Please don't top-post.

No-one can really answer the question you have asked, we don't know
enough about your application or how much memory it needs to use.

We can only advise you to avoid bad configuration.  Trying to assign 2Gb
to a Java process if the OS only has 0.5Gb free beforehand is bad
configuration.  And maths, it's also Bad Maths.

If you use JAVA_OPTS to set memory config, (as below), you will create a
JVM instance with 2Gb of RAM, if you are using the shutdown.sh script
which will run as well as the existing Tomcat instance.

Both processes will end up using the swap, be horribly slow & probably OOM.

If you use CATALINA_OPTS, these values are not applied during shutdown
but are used during startup.

You have 4Gb of physical RAM.  The amount of memory you can use for
Tomcat is the amount of free RAM when Tomcat is not running.  If your
server (without Tomcat) has 2Gb free, then Tomcat can use up to 2Gb.

The -Xmx and -Xms settings apply to the Object Heap.  The Object Heap is
only one part of the memory that a Java process consumes.  (The Non-Heap
area includes the PermGen space, for example.)

So, with 2Gb free RAM, you may be able to set -Xmx to 1.2Gb (this is a
guess, not a hard rule).

You will have to test it yourself to determine what is safe.  Use
VisualVM or JConsole (both are included with the JDK) to measure
heap/non-heap usage and compare it to the amount that the OS says the
process is using.


> Pid * wrote:
>> On 10/11/2011 22:45, Igor Cicimov wrote:
>>>> JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M -XX:Permsize=512m -XX:MaxPermsize=512m
>>> You are allocating here 2.5GB of memory to tomcat ... how do you expect
>>> it
>>> to start on a box with 2GB in total of which only 500MB are available?
>> +1  It's the perfect way to achieve shockingly bad performance.
>> p
>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 8:25 AM, Christopher Schultz <
>>> ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>>> Celtic,
>>> On 11/10/11 12:02 PM, celtic man wrote:
>>>>>> So i have updated the setenv.sh with   -Xms2048M -Xmx2048M
>>>>>> -XX:Permsize=512m -XX:MaxPermsize=512m  and  restarted tomcat..
>>> Where is setenv.sh located? Can you give us the full contents of that
>>> file?
>>>>>> but when i grep for tomcat process i don't see it ..
>>>>>> ps -ef | grep tomcat root     10959     1 19 14:57 pts/4
>>>>>> 00:00:29 /appl/java/bin/java -Dnop
>>>>>> -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
>>>>>> -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/appl/tomcat/endorsed -classpath
>>>>>> /appl/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/appl/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
>>>>>> -Dcatalina.base=/appl/tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/appl/tomcat
>>>>>> -Djava.io.tmpdir=/appl/tomcat/temp
>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
>>> How are you starting Tomcat? Give us the exact command you are running.
>>> -chris
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>> [key:62590808]



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