On 27/11/2011 18:29, Chris Moore wrote:
> I'm new to using tomcat.  I've done some developing with Google App Engine,
> but I'm looking to
> host something on my own system instead of theirs.
> My system is running Ubuntu 10.04.3.  Tomcat is 6.0.24, JVM is 1.6.0_20-b20.
> I've written my app using GWT 2.4.0.  I'm also trying to use Hibernate and
> MySQL for the back end.
> This is my first time with Hibernate as well, so I'm still coming up to
> speed with getting that configured
> and working.
> I can run my application in dev mode under Eclipse, with Hibernate
> configured to connect to the mysql
> server, and it works fine.  But when host the application under Tomcat on
> the server it doesn't actually
> update the database.  It seems to work, I get no errors or stack traces, but
> the data never gets updated.
> That leads to the real question I'm asking for help with - I can't seem to
> get any kind of logging to work,
> including simply writing to System.out.  All the documentation I can find
> says that System.out should get
> written to catalina.out, but I'm not seeing it.   I do see "deploying" and
> "undeploying" messages in
> catalina.out, so I know I've got the right file and it is getting logged to,
> but I don't see anything else there.
> I've tried changing logging.properties to specify level=ALL for everything,
> thinking maybe the output was
> getting filtered, but that didn't help.
> Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?  Is my System.out going
> somewhere else?  
> I'm generally pretty good at working out problems for myself, but with no
> error messages and no way to 
> get any kind of logging I'm stuck.  If someone could help me at least get
> logging working I can probably
> work the rest out.

Start with a clean Tomcat 7.0.23 install and a simple JSP that writes to

Also, check all the other log files.


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