Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
2011/11/27 Chris Moore <chrismo...@surewest.net>:

I'm new to using tomcat.  I've done some developing with Google App Engine,
but I'm looking to

host something on my own system instead of theirs.

My system is running Ubuntu 10.04.3.  Tomcat is 6.0.24, JVM is 1.6.0_20-b20.

I've written my app using GWT 2.4.0.  I'm also trying to use Hibernate and
MySQL for the back end.

This is my first time with Hibernate as well, so I'm still coming up to
speed with getting that configured

and working.

I can run my application in dev mode under Eclipse, with Hibernate
configured to connect to the mysql

server, and it works fine.  But when host the application under Tomcat on
the server it doesn't actually

update the database.  It seems to work, I get no errors or stack traces, but
the data never gets updated.

That leads to the real question I'm asking for help with - I can't seem to
get any kind of logging to work,

including simply writing to System.out.  All the documentation I can find
says that System.out should get

written to catalina.out, but I'm not seeing it.   I do see "deploying" and
"undeploying" messages in

catalina.out, so I know I've got the right file and it is getting logged to,
but I don't see anything else there.

I've tried changing logging.properties to specify level=ALL for everything,
thinking maybe the output was

getting filtered, but that didn't help.

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?  Is my System.out going
somewhere else?

I'm generally pretty good at working out problems for myself, but with no
error messages and no way to

get any kind of logging I'm stuck.  If someone could help me at least get
logging working I can probably

work the rest out.

Just guessing:
a) you are not using the configuration that you are think that you are using
b) you do not have enough rights or disk space to write to catalina.out file

You apparently are using 3-rd party repackaged and outdated
distribution of Tomcat. I'd be better to download proper 6.0.33 from
tomcat.apache.org and install it.

I will make another guess for now :
As your Tomcat is running under an Ubuntu, have a look at the script which starts Tomcat (probably /etc/init.d/tomcat6). Tomcat probably runs under jsvc, and its stdout/stderr is redirected (also guessing) to /var/log/daemon.log or similar.

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