On 12/5/2011 9:29 AM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
2011/12/5 Antonios Kogias<co...@hua.gr>:
Good morning,

  I'm using Tomcat 7.0.16 and a Valve in the server.xml file that uses the %B
option to log the "Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers"

<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
               prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
               pattern="%H %p %m %D %s %B %a %t&quot;%r&quot;"

This works correctly for small response size (up to 30-40 kB), but for
bigger sizes it doesn't; it only writes zero as response size in the web
access log (I have tested that with 100 kB and 1000 kB static files).

Any idea why is that happening and what can be done to overcome?


PS. OS is MS Windows XP 32bit SP3
1. What happens with 7.0.23?
2. Are you sure that the file was delivered to the client? Was the
time taken to process the request greater than zero? Was ir response
200 OK, or 304 Not modified? In the latter case the file is not sent,
because the clint already has a copy of it.
3. What connectors are you using and what are their settings?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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*1. What happens with 7.0.23?*

I tried 7.0.23 with the same results.

Files of 1k, 10k, 25k get logged correctly, but files greater than that (50k, 75k, 100k, 1000k) are logged as size zero(0).

*2. Are you sure that the file was delivered to the client? Was the*

*time taken to process the request greater than zero? Was ir response*

*200 OK, or 304 Not modified? In the latter case the file is not sent,*

*because the clint already has a copy of it.*

The files were all correctly delivered to the client.
The time taken to process the request (option %D) is greater than zero most of the time, with occasional zeroes.
All responses are 200 OK.

*3. What connectors are you using and what are their settings?*
In the experiment I'm running, I'm using the following simple Connector (server.xml):










There are four different settings for the experiments:
maxThreads=1 acceptCount=1 ,maxConnections=2
maxThreads=1 acceptCount=100 ,maxConnections=101

maxThreads=100 acceptCount=1 ,maxConnections=101

maxThreads=100 acceptCount=100 ,maxConnections=200

However, the same behavior as described in (1) above consistently appears in any setting.

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