2011/12/9 Antonios Kogias <co...@hua.gr>:
> On 12/5/2011 9:29 AM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
>> 2011/12/5 Antonios Kogias<co...@hua.gr>:
>>> Good morning,
>>>  I'm using Tomcat 7.0.16 and a Valve in the server.xml file that uses the
>>> %B
>>> option to log the "Bytes sent, excluding HTTP headers"
>>> (http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/valve.html).
>>> <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
>>> directory="logs"
>>>               prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
>>>               pattern="%H %p %m %D %s %B %a %t&quot;%r&quot;"
>>> resolveHosts="false"/>
>>> This works correctly for small response size (up to 30-40 kB), but for
>>> bigger sizes it doesn't; it only writes zero as response size in the web
>>> access log (I have tested that with 100 kB and 1000 kB static files).
>>> Any idea why is that happening and what can be done to overcome?
>>> Antonios
>>> PS. OS is MS Windows XP 32bit SP3
>> 1. What happens with 7.0.23?
>> 2. Are you sure that the file was delivered to the client? Was the
>> time taken to process the request greater than zero? Was ir response
>> 200 OK, or 304 Not modified? In the latter case the file is not sent,
>> because the clint already has a copy of it.
>> 3. What connectors are you using and what are their settings?
> *1. What happens with 7.0.23?*
> I tried 7.0.23 with the same results.
> Files of 1k, 10k, 25k get logged correctly, but files greater than that
> (50k, 75k, 100k, 1000k) are logged as size zero(0).
> *2. Are you sure that the file was delivered to the client? Was the*
> *time taken to process the request greater than zero? Was ir response*
> *200 OK, or 304 Not modified? In the latter case the file is not sent,*
> *because the clint already has a copy of it.*
> The files were all correctly delivered to the client.
> The time taken to process the request (option %D) is greater than zero most
> of the time, with occasional zeroes.
> All responses are 200 OK.
> *3. What connectors are you using and what are their settings?*
> In the experiment I'm running, I'm using the following simple Connector
> (server.xml):
> <Connector
> port="8080"
> protocol="HTTP/1.1"
> connectionTimeout="20000"
> redirectPort="8443"
> maxThreads="1"
> acceptCount="1"
> maxConnections="1"
> maxKeepAliveRequests="1"
> />

(Though you are not saying what exactly connector you are using,
because the value of protocol="HTTP/1.1" autoselects between two
connector implementations.)

I was able to reproduce your issue, see

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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