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On 12/13/11 8:35 AM, Justin Larose wrote:
> I actually followed the document here: 
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/ssl-howto.html because I am
> using Tomcat 6.

Okay. You just hadn't mentioned that (version) before.

> I also did import the cert with the alias "tomcat" (see screenshot 
> below). Is there an order in which to import the certs? I imported
> the server cert first, then the CA, then the root cert.

Your screenshot has been suppressed from the list. Instead, can you
post a text copy/paste for a "keytool -list"?

> "I would advise against using the same keystore for both the
> "keystore" and the "truststore". The trust store is only used for
> validating client certificates and, IMO, should be kept separate
> from the certificates you use for the web service itself."
> These config settings were in place long before I worked here... I
> was just copying the info from the old server.xml and adding in the
> new keystore info. If we do not Use any client certs can I remove
> the truststore line?

Almost certainly. You probably want to fix one problem at a time,
though. :)

- -chris
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