On 23/12/2011 23:39, Matthew Tyson wrote:
> Hello,
> We have been having quite a few problems with using long-polling
> connections in Tomcat, via the NIO connector.  Upgrading to Tomcat 7.0.23
> definitely improved things, but we are still seeing major issues.

Glad to hear things are getting better. No so glad to hear you are still
having problems.

> The problems only crop up after a couple minutes under some load (modest
> load, around 2-3 connections per second).

That's pretty low load.

> One very clear problem I am looking at right now is that the service method
> on a servlet is continually being called, although there is no traffic
> coming into tomcat from that remote IP (we verified this at the ethernet
> device).

Hmm. Very strange that the service method is being called. There needs
to be a complete and valid set of HTTP headers for that to happen and
the request/response gets recycled afterwards so the data shouldn't get
processed twice.

> The logging statement at the beginning of the service method is being
> executed every so often, like so:

> logger.info("REQUEST: " + request.getRemoteAddr() + "  " +
> request.getMethod() + "  " + request.getQueryString());
> INFO  2011-12-23 15:30:50,860 org.cometd.server.CometdServlet REQUEST:
>  POST  null
> INFO  2011-12-23 15:31:02,484 org.cometd.server.CometdServlet REQUEST:
>  GET
> message=%5B%7B%22channel%22%3A%22%2Fmeta%2Fconnect%22%2C%22connectionType%22%3A%22callback-polling%22%2C%22advice%22%3A%7B%22timeout%22%3A0%7D%2C%22id%22%3A%22354%22%2C%22clientId%22%3A%222b611tiekwk6p2mfh5bye3bm6y7l%22%7D%5D&jsonp=dojo.io.script.jsonp_dojoIoScript135._jsonpCallback
> INFO  2011-12-23 15:31:28,512 org.cometd.server.CometdServlet REQUEST:
>  POST  null
> INFO  2011-12-23 15:31:36,571 org.cometd.server.CometdServlet REQUEST:
>  POST  null

Odd. So there are at least two different requests being processed here.

> But again, there is no traffic from that IP.  I'm not sure if this is some
> sort of loop, a very long delay, or other connections being mixed up.

I'm not aware of any connection mix up issues that might explain this.

>  Probably the last, since I don't see any loop pattern, and it has
> continued without any traffic for almost a half an hour now.
> Thoughts?

We need more information :)

If you can create a simple web application that reproduces this I'd be
happy to take a look. I suspect that is non-trivial so I'll suggest a
couple of other options.

1. The simple thing is to add a stack trace to that log message so we
can see exactly what code path is triggered this.

2. How comfortable are you patching Tomcat and building it from source?
I have some debug logging sat in a git branch that I use for debugging
similar issues that will generate a lot of logging but show exactly what
is happening. I can either provide you with the patch or an updated JAR
(or JARs) that you can drop into a 7.0.23 instance.


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