Am 24.12.2011 00:39, schrieb Matthew Tyson:

We have been having quite a few problems with using long-polling
connections in Tomcat, via the NIO connector.  Upgrading to Tomcat 7.0.23
definitely improved things, but we are still seeing major issues.

The problems only crop up after a couple minutes under some load (modest
load, around 2-3 connections per second).

One very clear problem I am looking at right now is that the service method
on a servlet is continually being called, although there is no traffic
coming into tomcat from that remote IP (we verified this at the ethernet

The logging statement at the beginning of the service method is being
executed every so often, like so:"REQUEST: " + request.getRemoteAddr() + "  " +
request.getMethod() + "  " + request.getQueryString());

INFO  2011-12-23 15:30:50,860 org.cometd.server.CometdServlet REQUEST:  POST  null
INFO  2011-12-23 15:31:02,484 org.cometd.server.CometdServlet REQUEST:  GET
INFO  2011-12-23 15:31:28,512 org.cometd.server.CometdServlet REQUEST:  POST  null
INFO  2011-12-23 15:31:36,571 org.cometd.server.CometdServlet REQUEST:  POST  null

But again, there is no traffic from that IP.  I'm not sure if this is some
sort of loop, a very long delay, or other connections being mixed up.
  Probably the last, since I don't see any loop pattern, and it has
continued without any traffic for almost a half an hour now.

Your Valves code makes me suspicious: the proxy port looks like there could be something between your client and your tomcat. A loadbalancer with some kind of TCP multiplexing maybe?

Have you already tried a tcpdump to crosscheck?


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