Thanks.  That was the way I was doing it in the filter (getting the
dispatcher from the various contexts).  I changed it.  The good news is
that the routing now works as expected.  The bad news is that it is still
bypassing the security stuff.  I wasn't logged in, and it went straight to
the protected page anyway.  Ideas?


On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Konstantin Kolinko

> 2011/12/26 Jerry Malcolm <>:
> > Konstantin,
> >
> > Thanks for the info.  I think I'm getting close.  As a test, I have
> created
> > a valve that just forces a redirect.  It compiled fine.  I registered it
> > under the 'host' tag next to the other valves in server.xml.  When I
> send a
> > request in, my print statements write to System.out just as expected.
> >
> > The only problem is, the request forward goes nowhere.  Just white screen
> > on the browser.  The requestDispatcher returns without any exceptions.
>  But
> > I can't find anything in the logs saying anything was wrong.  The code is
> > simple:
> >
> >  public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws
> IOException,
> > ServletException  {
> >    System.out.println( "in Valve" );
> >    try    {
> >       RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(
> > "/cismanager/jsp/user/home.jsp" );
> In short,
> 1) dispatcher is always relative to Context.
> You must get Context first (from a Mapper?) and then get Dispatcher
> from there. (Dropping the "cismanager" part from the URL).
> If you were doing it from a Filter you would call
> ServletContext.getContext(String) followed by
> ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher().
> Note that ServletContext.getContext(String) returns null for better
> security, unless you explicitly set <Context crossContext="true"/> in
> the target web application.
> 2) using a RequestDispatcher you will get the same result as with
> using it from inside a Filter. That is it will be a usual "forward",
> and auth constraints wouldn't apply.
> Here are tips for debugging Tomcat:
> >       System.out.println( "should get here" );
> >       requestDispatcher.forward( request, response );
> >       System.out.println( "return from forward");
> >    }
> >    catch( Throwable e)    {
> >       e.printStackTrace( System.out );
> >    }
> > //    getNext().invoke(request, response);
> >  }
> >
> > I figure it's something to do with the URL.  I have never used a
> > RequestDispatcher obtained from the Request object outside of a webapp
> > context.  From what you said, the valve is 'above' the contexts at the
> > 'host' level.  So I assume the parsing of the context out of the URL has
> > yet to occur and therefore should happen in my 'forward'.  Hence, I used
> > the entire URL (after the domain name) in the forward.  In the example
> > above, I have the webapp mapped to "/cismanager".
> >
> > Am I close?  Or is this totally wrong?  Should I not use the
> > RequestDispatcher?  Should I somehow wrapper the request object and set
> the
> > new URL in that?
> >
> > Thanks again for all the help.
> >
> > Jerry
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