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On 12/26/11 5:26 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> Half of the site is protected, and the other half is not, and some
> pages have moved from unprotected to protected at the whim of the
> client.  The client has simply stated "clean URLs".  I have argued
> that point, and lost.  So independent of valid substantiation for
> the requirement, it is what it is, and I'm not getting paid for
> arguing that point.

But you will be paid for making these changes. Why not tell the client
that this SEO "optimization" is going to cost them a whole bunch of
money to actually perform?

You may just have to suck it up and do the painful work of either
mapping everything or re-jiggering everything to read REST-looking
URLs instead of ones with complex query strings.

> I know there are solutions. But every one ends up being baling wire
> and duct tape.  All I want to do is take URL-A and change it to
> URL-B and have it look to all of Tomcat like it came in as URL-B
> from the user.  I know that is basically httpd mod_rewrite.  But as
> I stated earlier, I have some dynamic database-related mappings.  I
> know little about mod_rewrite.  Is there any way to do Apache
> mod_rewrite with a java application?

There is a url-rewrite tool, but it's filter-based and will have the
same shortcomings of your own solutions up till this point. The
dynamic database-related mappings are going to kill you, here.

Occasionally, people ask about using Tomcat as an httpd proxy, the the
response has always been "other tools do it quite well, so Tomcat
doesn't have to" and the issue generally drops. On-the-fly
programmable rewrites aren't something I'm aware of.

You might find that mod_proxy_http can be configured to follow
(certain) redirects internally, so you can have your redirection-logic
in your Tomcat-based webapp, but the client never actually sees the
redirect. That would be very convenient.

- -chris
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