On 1:59 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
Thanks, Tim.  But that wasn't the problem.  I've figured out what's
happening.  But I'm even more confused about how to move forward knowing
that now.

I've got a relatively simple situation.  I have three pages that I am
mapping to clean URLs in httpd mod_rewrite.

/cart = /order/jsp/guest/cart.jsp
/locateaccount = /order/jsp/guest/locateaccount.jsp
/checkout = /order/jsp/guest/checkout.jsp

I looked at my firefox cookies, and I have a cookie for /order. It makes
sense that /order would be the cookie that's sent back from TC, since
that's the URL that TC sees.  It's obvious to me now that when Firefox
requests the page "/locateaccount" it has no cookie to send for
"/locateaccount", since the cookie it should be sending is labeled
"/order", and firefox has no knowledge of the /order prefix

OK, it's clear what's happening.  But am I just out of luck? My client has
requested clean URLs.  But this has been nothing but a headache from the

Am  I missing something really obvious?  Is there any possible way to
configure TC such that the three URLs above, with the URL mappings as
described, can keep track of one session?

How does TC decide what path to store the session id cookie under?  Again,
I saw a cookie for /order.  But I also saw a cookie for another webapp for
/idmanager/jsp/user.  I don't want to change all my urls to /order/cart,
/order/checkout, etc. only to find out TC might send /order/jsp/guest for
the session path in some situation. If there was a way to tell TC to use
"/" as the path, that would work in this case.  But in the broader picture,
I have more than one web app on this host.  There are separate sessions for
each webapp, right?  So in that case the browser couldn't keep them
separate if they were all mapped to "/", right?

Bottom line... is the mapping above with a single session possible?



On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 1:28 AM, Tim Watts<t...@cliftonfarm.org>  wrote:

On Sat, 2011-12-31 at 00:33 -0600, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I have a web app that's worked for years.  I had to go in and do some
renovations on it due to a few new requirements.  Now for some reason,
getting a new/different session id for each page.  It's easy to see
what happening since I use the sessionid for a log file name.  Where I
to get one log file when clicking through a series of pages, I now get a
bunch of logging files.  This is a problem since I store data in the
session object between pages. And now the pages cannot find the data.
is on TC 7.

The only major thing I'm doing differently now that I can figure might
affect it is I'm using mod_rewrite in apache httpd.  But I'm grasping at
straws.  I really don't see how mod_rewrite would be preventing session
data from passing through.  Or could it?

The way I understand it, it's simply a session key that's passed back and
forth as a cookie, right?

The session ID could also be embedded in the URL and perhaps mod_rewrite
is dropping it.  You could compare the access logs in httpd vs tomcat
(enable them in tomcat if necessary).

Any ideas why I'm losing my sessions on each page?



Hi, Jerry-

It seems like you could simplify things if you mapped:

/order/jsp/guest/cart.jsp  to  /order/cart
/order/jsp/guest/locateaccount.jsp  to  /order/locateaccount
/order/jsp/guest/checkout.jsp  to  /order/checkout

Apparently, /order is the context path for these pages which, I believe, is the default for the cookie session path. These mappings could be defined in web.xml which would eliminate the need for URL rewriting.

-Terence Bandoian

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