On Mon, 2012-01-23 at 07:41 -0800, Oliver Due Billing wrote:
> I hope somebody can help me.
> I have a test-server on my macbook pro and it takes forever to restart the
> server do anyone have a clue to whats happening. 

What is the exact version of Java & Tomcat?  Also, how many applications
do you have deployed?

> I have run the configuration just fine on a windows laptop.

Can we assume that these are the exact same installations?  i.e. same
version of Java and Tomcat?  Also, the exact same configuration files
(to the character)?

> It also takes forever with the default configuration.

So, you unzip Tomcat, run "bin/start.sh" and it takes forever to start?
No custom applications deployed and no changes to any configuration


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