Just a thought ... Spring Security
(http://static.springsource.org/spring-security/site/) is a fabulous
framework for LDAP authentication AND authorization (we're using it
currently with our Windows domain), doesn't require any changes to the app
server or web server, and is relatively easy to get set up and working.

And it's okay if your project is mainly JSPs, because SS can do security
restrictions based on URL patterns, class names, method names, etc.

Just an idea. Beyond Spring Security, I have pretty much no LDAP experience
or knowledge at all. But I was able to get SS up and running in less than a


Nick Williams | Senior Software Developer
UL PureSafety
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-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Munro [mailto:neilmu...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 11:22 AM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: Tomcat, JSP and LDAP

Hi all,
         I am trying to implement a means to authenticate a user on a web
app via ldap, I have been trying for some time and am now intimately
familiar with the files I need to edit, but not exactly how.

I know that much of the ldap stuff goes into the server.xml file inside of
the tomcat conf directory, it is here I have been trying to configure an
ldap realm. I have attached the files I have been working with, the basic
idea is that a user must first log on before they can access any area of the
site, also all users can log in, and access all areas of the site.

A user is presented with the login page, and if they cannot be authenticated
they are alerted and are given the option to redirect back to the login
page. Which I have working, thought I think that's simply because I cannot
get the logging in bit work.

I do not have access to the LDAP server or schema and cannot implement
changes to that, I can however alter the tomcat server, jsp files etc.
I am trying to write a company wide web app, and have free reign, but it's
historically been written in jsp so we want to keep as much of that as we

Software and versions: Tomcat 6.0.35, Java 1.4 through to 1.7 (I am required
to have all installed) and Windows 7 64.

Any help would be fantastic as I have read lots of resources but there's no
definitive tutorial to set such a thing up.

Neil Munro

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