Am Donnerstag, den 22.03.2012, 14:25 +0000 schrieb Mark Thomas:
> You can, but it will be closed as WONTFIX. The reason it was only
> added
> to 6.0.x was that that in 7.0.x there are other ways of achieving the
> same result and supporting this additional option as well would result
> in some unnecessarily messy, hard to maintain code.

What other ways are there for a 2.5 webapp in a mixed environment (3.0
webapps and 2.5 ones) where i want to disable url rewriting for the 2.5
one but leave the default untouched?

> If the 7.0.x options don't work for you, why not use 6.0.x?

Because i want to use the thread vanishing features tobe able to let the
gc collect my class loader in case a thread local is left over by a
webapp and 6.0.x does not have this feature.
And 7.0.x does support 2.5 webapps, does it?


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