Inside web.xml I defined <error-page>500..., so 500-status is resolving to JSP error pages. I get inconsistent behaviour when an Exception occurs during JSP rendering.

1) JSP syntax error (e.g. broken XML):
-> 500 status is set correctly
-> forward to jsp-error page is done correctly and 500 returned to browser

2) JSP runtime error:
-> 200 status
-> i.e. broken 500-forward to error.jsp
-> I get broken HTML inside browser

Second case is quite dangerous because we didn't see anything inside logs and 200 status was presented though we had production bug. Just accidently looking at catalina.log (stdout logging of all exception) covered this.

I checked source-code (6.0.35):

if (isCommitted())

My assumption:
- In 1st case 500 forward + status setting works fine, because JSP rendering breaks from beginning and no content is flushed to output-buffer - In 2nd case "some" of jsp is rendered and written to output-buffer and resetting-status is prohibited (see isCommitted() check) => i.e. there is no way forwarding to 500 status when error occurred during runtime of JSP rendering

I guess this is a bug (want to backup first before creating trace-ticket)?

Do you know a workaround for this? Currently I have workaround to have a special Filter checking for Exceptions and including 200 status. The bad thing is that still browser/users get returned 200 OK status, though error occurred , because resetting status isn't allowed.

Thanks for support.

 manuel aldana
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