On 1:59 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 4/5/12 11:42 AM, manuel aldana wrote:
Inside web.xml I defined<error-page>500..., so 500-status is
resolving to JSP error pages. I get inconsistent behaviour when an
Exception occurs during JSP rendering.

1) JSP syntax error (e.g. broken XML): === ->  500 status is set
correctly ->  forward to jsp-error page is done correctly and 500
returned to browser

2) JSP runtime error: === ... ${model.causingNullPointerException}
... ->  200 status ->  i.e. broken 500-forward to error.jsp ->  I get
broken HTML inside browser
How much broken HTML do you get?

It's possible that the response has already been committed to the
client and there's no way to show the error page instead.

Check your log files for "Response already committed" or related errors.

- In 2nd case "some" of jsp is rendered and written to
output-buffer and resetting-status is prohibited (see isCommitted()
check) =>  i.e. there is no way forwarding to 500 status when error
occurred during runtime of JSP rendering

I guess this is a bug (want to backup first before creating
If this is a bug, it's in your webapp: you generate too much content
before you have any errors.

Do you know a workaround for this?
Several options (I'm sure there are more):

1. Don't throw exceptions ;)
2. Increase your output buffer (negative performance considerations)
3. Buffer the *entire* response (negative performance considerations,
    requires additional code)

Honestly, #1 is the best policy IMO, since you really should have all
of your dangerous activities out of the way before you start
generating a response.

++. All processing that is likely to generate an exception should be completed before any output is generated.

-Terence Bandoian

Currently I have workaround to have a special Filter checking for
Exceptions and including 200 status. The bad thing is that still
browser/users get returned 200 OK status, though error occurred ,
because resetting status isn't allowed.
I don't know how you will correct malformed HTML in that case.

- -chris
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