On 14/05/2012 02:37, Martin Gainty wrote:
> i plan to run the windows IE code in Solaris thru WINE

Eh?! How will that help? </rhetorical>


> thanks again,
> Martin 
>> From: mgai...@hotmail.com
>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: IE caching problem-
>> Date: Sun, 13 May 2012 21:21:11 -0400
>> isolating the code from the browser is the logical first step
>>  at least with solaris If i dont want pages cached then I can disable access 
>> (with chmod and .htaccess) to the Temporary Internet Files folder and then 
>> when IE tosses up error messages I can react appropriately
>> changing out browsers from IE to FF will further isolate and determine any 
>> 'tricks' that IE is playing ..without access to hidden folders and
>> unknown registry settings the IE caching problem can finally be determined
>> Many Thanks for your thoughtful response,
>> Martin--
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>>> From: ch...@derham.me.uk
>>> Date: Sun, 13 May 2012 20:37:02 -0300
>>> Subject: Re: IE caching problem-
>>> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
>>>> never had this problem when i deployed to Solaris....I'll try again
>>>> tommorrow when i have a REAL Operating System to deploy my webapp
>>> So you have a web app, serving up web pages, that are being cached in a
>>> browser. The browser is not refreshing, for reasons unknown. You say that
>>> the clock was incorrect, but now I assume the problem is still occurring.
>>> Yet you think that moving the webapp to a "real os" will help?
>>> Browsers cache pages only if they are told to. Have you used some kind of
>>> technique to check the headers? Fiddler or live http headers? Why are the
>>> pages being cached?
>>> Once you know that, perhaps you can resolve the issue. If I had a car that
>>> wouldn't start, I know nothing about cars but I'm reasonably confident that
>>> changing the garage won't help the issue that much
>>> Chris



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