Okay... guess the documentation is correct... just copy the jar to the
webapps directory :-)

What wasn't clear to me is the URL that I can access my app at after
copying the jar.  And the maven plugin for Tomee isn't working for me.

The URL is

Thanks anyway,

Jason Zwolak

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Jason Zwolak <jzwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I know this is such a basic question and I should be able to just read the
> docs and follow the instructions...  I've read some instructions (see notes
> below) and tried to follow them but I really have no idea where to begin to
> deploy my application.  Are there instructions somewhere?
> I cannot figure out how to deploy my rest on ejb application (I followed
> the example at
> http://tomee.apache.org/examples-trunk/rest-on-ejb/README.html
> I got the tomee-maven-plugin and ran "mvn tomee:deploy
> $HOME/local/apache-tomee/webapps/" and got the error:
>    Unknown lifecycle phase "/Users/jzwolak/local/apache-tomee/webapps/".
> I do not know how to build the war, but I do have a jar.
> Any help would be appreciated!!!  A link to instructions/tutorial would be
> awesome!
> Thanks
> Jason
> Here are the instructions I've read
> http://tomee.apache.org/application-deployment-solutions.html
> http://tomee.apache.org/deploying-in-tomee.html
> --
> Jason Zwolak

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