@Jose connect, double click on value (the number of active conn) +
follow the graph few minutes
Romain Manni-Bucau
Twitter: @rmannibucau
Blog: http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/
LinkedIn: http://fr.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau
Github: https://github.com/rmannibucau

2014-02-13 19:31 GMT+01:00 Howard W. Smith, Jr. <smithh032...@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:21 AM, José Luis Cetina 
> <maxtorz...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> <Resource id="any" type="DataSource">
>>   JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
>>   JdbcUrl ...
>>   UserName xxx
>>   Password xxx
>>   jtaManaged true
>>   initialSize=30
>>   MaxActive=500 (my old value was 250)
>>   MaxIdle=50
>>   MaxWait=90000
>>   MaxWaitTime=90000
>>   validationQuery=SELECT 1
>>   testOnBorrow=true
>> </Resource>
> compare your jdbc resource (above) with mine (below), and refer to tomcat
> pool documentation. I think it will help if you use the extra config
> parameters that I'm using below.
> <Resource id="jdbc/mcmsJta" type="javax.sql.DataSource">
>   JdbcDriver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
>   JdbcUrl jdbc:derby:D:/javadb/main;create=true
>   UserName ...
>   Password ...
>   JtaManaged true
>   jmxEnabled true
>   InitialSize 10
>   MaxActive 30
>   MaxIdle 20
>   MaxWait 10000
>   minIdle 10
>   suspectTimeout 60
>   removeAbandoned true
>   removeAbandonedTimeout 180
>   timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis 30000
>   jdbcInterceptors=StatementCache(max=1024)
> </Resource>

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