Greetings all,

Pretty sure I found a bug in the way 
org.apache.openejb.client.MulticastConnectionFactory decodes URL parameters.  
The final result of the issue is that if you use HTTP basic authentication when 
calling ServerServlet and openejb.ejbd.authenticate-with-request=true, you 
can't login with a password that contains an ampersand character.

The flow looks something like:

1) Create a new IntitialContext with PROVIDER_URL set to 
  a) /ejb/invoke is where I have org.apache.openejb.server.httpd.ServerServlet 
  b) web.xml on that mapping requires BASIC auth.
  c) key part of URL is the literal password "pass&word" URL encoded with 
ampersand -> %26

2) TomEE internals eventually end up at HttpConnectionFactory$HttpConnection's 
constructor where line 76 calls:
        params = MulticastConnectionFactory.URIs.parseParamters(uri);
        By this time, various unwrapping has paired the URL down to:

3) MulticastConnectionFactory...parseParameters, IE line 136:
        return uri.getQuery() == null ? new HashMap<String, String>(0) : 
parseQuery(stripPrefix(uri.getQuery(), "?"));

That calls URI.getQuery() which decodes the URI's query string, then passes 
that into parseQuery() which splits up the query parameters delimited by 
ampersands.  The call to URI.getQuery() is the problem.  For the above URI, the 
result is:
        The ampersand in the query parameter basic.password is decoded and then 
indistinguishable from a query parameter separator.  When passed into 
parseQuery, the resulting value for basic.password is just "pass".

Since MulticastConnectionFactory$URIs::parseQuery already calls 
URLDecoder.decode() on both name and value pairs, the call in parseParameters 
should be to URI::getRawQuery() instead of getQuery().  I think there's also a 
possible double decoding issue here which could corrupt certain values by 
decoding the value a second time.

For the time being, I think I can work around this by passing the authorization 
query parameter with the user:pass already base64 encoded.  Pretty sure this 
should be a complete & safe fix:

diff --git 
index 22f2f86a6a..eedb54840e 100644
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class MulticastConnectionFactory implements 
ConnectionFactory {

         public static Map<String, String> parseParamters(final URI uri) throws 
URISyntaxException {
-            return uri.getQuery() == null ? new HashMap<String, String>(0) : 
parseQuery(stripPrefix(uri.getQuery(), "?"));
+            return uri.getQuery() == null ? new HashMap<String, String>(0) : 
parseQuery(stripPrefix(uri.getRawQuery(), "?"));

         public static String stripPrefix(final String value, final String 
prefix) {

Best regards,
Zac Bedell

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